Edmond Pinard was my Great Grand Uncle. He is from my father's side of the family.
For those of you who have lived in New Hampshire in the US you may have heard about him. Edmond was born February 27, 18571 in the parish of Sainte Monique, Nicolet, in the province of Quebec. As was the norm for families of that time he came from a family of at least fourteen children. His parents were Louis Theophile Pinard and Agnes Leblanc. His sister, Louise Pinard was my great grandmother.
When I started doing my families history I didn't even know the names of my grandparents on my father's side. After contacting a cousin I had met a few times as a child I was given a notebook of information that led me on the right path. I went through it bit by bit finding documentation for the names I had been given and eventually I found Edmond.
I was directed by an Internet contact I had made to look up the town of Pinardville, New Hampshire. There was Edmond. He had moved to the Manchester, New Hampshire area in 1873 and a few years later opened up a market on Elm Street. The market was open until 1929. Edmond married Henriette Daigle on November 26, 18832.

Pinardville came to be when Edmond developed the entire area. It is partially located in West Manchester and partially in Goffstown. He named the streets after family members, Henriette Street after his wife, Theophile and Agnes Streets after his parents and of course Edmond Street and Pinard Street for himself. I have not found any information regarding children he may have had. There are no streets named for them and so I do not think they had any children or if they did perhaps they did not survive.

St. Edmonds School
In June, 1906 Edmond submitted plans for the layout of the streets and his intentions to develop his holdings. He then built a store at the corner of Mast Road and Pinard Street to service the people who had bought his building lots. St. Edmond's church and school were built on 12 lots of land Edmond donated in 1911.

During this time of development and growth I can not find Edmond or his wife on the 1900 census for the area. Perhaps they were back in Canada for a short time. They were in New Hampshire in 1910 and had their niece, Virginia living with them. I also had no luck finding them on the 1920 or 1930 censuses. There may have been a reason they were not on the censuses after 1910. Apparently in 1915 there was another attempt to dis-annex Pinardville from Goffstown with a bill introduced to the legislature. It had little support and never came to a vote. I think Edmond may have been angry with the powers that be and may have purposely stayed out of the censuses in protest.
Edmond died in Pinardville, New Hampshire December 13, 19332
- Quebec Vital Records, Drouin Collection, 1621-1967, ancestry.ca online [http://www.ancestry.ca/], accessed, Ste. Monique, Nicolet, 1857, page 7
- Go To Pinardville,online[http://www.gotopinardville.com/history.htm]

Hello Lori,
I am also a relative of Edmond Pinard (On my Mother's Side). Edmond is my Great, Great, Great Uncle. His Sister Annie Pinard is where my family line comes from. Here are his children:
1. Edmond PINARD b: 5 MAY 1885 in Ste. Marie Parish, Manchester, Hillsborough, N. H.
2. Joseph-Edmond PINARD b: 7 JUL 1886 in Ste. Marie Parish, Manchester, Hillsborough, N. H.
My email address is beaudoinfh@msn.com and phone number (850)696-2331. Looking forward to hearing from you. I have been studying my family geneology for 5 years and have a tree with photos and 700 + persons.
Frank Beaudoin
This Book has pictures of Edmond and his wife
Frank Beaudoin
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