Jean Talon was not an ancestor of mine but he would have probably known many of them. Monsieur Talon was in charge of the first census of New France taken in the winter months of 1665-1666.
He was working for the king of France, King Louis XIV and his finance minister Jean Baptiste Colbert. He was to stimulate the economic expansion of New France, increase the colony’s self-sufficiency and bring order to its financial administration.
Talon used the de jure principale – that is, counting people where they normally reside. And he did much of the enumeration himself, going door-to-door. Talon’s census recorded everyone in the colony by name and included age, occupation, marital status, and relationship to the head of the family in which they lived. The census also measured the wealth of industry and agriculture, the value of local lumber and mineral resources, and the number of domestic animals, seigneuries, government buildings, and churches.
The census enumerated 3,215 inhabitants of European descent – 2,034 men and 1,181 women. Among these were 3 notaries, 3 schoolmasters, 3 locksmiths, 4 bailiffs, 5 surgeons, 5 bakers, 8 barrel makers, 9 millers, 18 merchants, 27 joiners, and 36 carpenters. The colony consisted of 3 major settlements, inhabited by 528 families. Quebec had a population of more than 2,100 people, Montreal had 635, and Trois-Rivieres had 455.1
My family was among these people. I have listed some of my ancestors mainly from the area of Trois Rivieres. There were many more in the other towns.
I have noted my direct line in red where the ancestor had been born in time for this census or they had not yet moved away from home.
6th. great grandparents
Jean Lemire, age 40, Me. Charpentier (carpenter)
Louise Marsollet 26, sa femme (wife)
Jeanne Lemire 8, fille (daughter)
Marie Lemire 6, fille
Joseph Lemire 4, fils (son)
Anne Lemire 2, fille
Marie Magdelaine Hertel - 20 sa femme
Françoise Pinard - 2 fille
7th great grandparents
Nicolas Marsollet 65, bourgeois
Marie le Barbier 47, sa femme
Jean Marsollet 14, fils
Marie Marsollet 4, fille
Nicolas Huot 38, huissier (usher)
Marie Fayet 21, sa femme
Marguerrite 2, fille
Marie 2, fille
Jacques Cochon 31, habitant (inhabitant)
Barbe Le Tardif 17, sa femme
Marie Magdeleine Cochon 2, fille
Jacques Cochon 3, fil
Jean de Lafond - 21 fils
Genevieuve de Lafond - 14 fille
Pierre de Lafond - 10 fils
Françoise de Lafond - 9 fille
Jeanne de Lafond - 4 fille
Augustin de Lafond - 2 fils
Jean Cusson - 30 habitant
Marie Foubert - 25 sa femme
Marie Cusson - 7 fille
Jean Cusson - 6 fils
Magdelaine Cusson - 4 fille
Jeanne Cusson - 3 fille
Elisabeth Cusson - 14 mois fille
Marie Riviere - 55 mere de lad. Foubert (mother of M. Foubert)
Michel Lemey - 36 habitant
Marie Dutost - 26 sa femme
Charles Lemey - 6 fils
Joseph Lemey - 5 fils
Marie Lemey - 4 fille
Ignace Lemey - 1 fils
Jacques Dutost - 23 frere de lad. Dutost
Pierre Niquet - 24 habitant
Françoise Lemoyne - 22 sa femme
8th great grandparents
Rene Besnard Bourjoly 38, habitant
Marie Sedilot 39, sa femme ve. de Louis Fafard (widow of)
Anne Besnard 4, fille
Joseph Besnard 2, fils
Marie Besnard 1, fille
Louis Fafard 16, fils
Anne du Herisson - 34 sa femme
Michel Desrosiers - 13 fils
Jean Desrosiers - 8 fils
Anne Desrosiers - 4 fille
Antoine Desrosiers - 2 fils
Urbain Baudry d. lamarche - 47 taillandier habt (maker of cutting tools)
Magdelaine Boucher - 32 sa femme
Marie Baudry - 15 fille
Joseph Baudry - 12 fils
Guillaume Baudry - 9 fils
Jeanne Baudry - 7 fille
Magdelaine Baudry - 4 fille
Marguerite Baudry - 1 fille
Pierre Lepellée ditLahaye - 38 habitant
Catherine Dodier - 28 sa femme Ve. Isabel
Jeanne Isabel - 14 fille
françoise Lepellé - 12 fille
Claude Lepellé - 9 fils
Joseph Lepellé - 7 fils
pierre Lepellé - 5 fils
Marie Lepellé - 15 mois fille
Jean Lepellé - 20 frere
Pierre Guillet dit la Jeunesse - 40 habitant
Jeanne Saint Pere - 37 sa femme
Mathurin Guillet - 16 fils
Jeanne Guillet - 12 fille
Anne Guillet - 11 fille
Catherine Guillet - 10 fille
Louis Guillet - 8 fils
Marie Guillet - 6 fille
Marguerite Guillet - 5 fille
Pierre Guillet - 3 fils
Joseph Guillet - 2 fils
Genevieve Guillet - 3 mois fille
Pierre Artaut sieur de Latour - 36 habitant
Louise sauvagesse - 45 sa femme (aboriginal)
Jean Artaut - 1 fils
Pierre Lefebvre - 50 habitant
Jeanne Aunois - 45 sa femme
Jacques Lefebvre - 19 fils
Michel Lefebvre - 12 fils
Ignace Lefebvre - 10 fils
Ange Lefebvre - 7 fils
Pierre Lefebvre - 5 fils
10th great grandparents
François Fafard - 36 habitant
Marie Richard - 30 sa femme
Jean Fafard - 9 fils
François Fafard - 6 fils
Joseph Fafard - 4 fils
Jeanne Fafard - 16 mois fille
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- http://www.afhs.ab.ca/data/census/1666/quebec.html
1 comment:
Hiya! My name is Julie DeSilets Munson, and we share common ancestors!!! I'd love to connect with you and share any information you may have, and I'll do the same for you! My email is muns4@sbcglobal.net. Looking forward to hearing from you!!! :D
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