Saturday, May 30, 2009


When you are looking for your ancestors sometimes you are not thrilled with some of the things you may find.
They could be crooks or criminals, crazed or coldhearted, dishonest or immoral. Or they could be genetically dangerous to your health.

As a French Canadian I was stunned to find out that I have a greater chance of having Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy. That is hard to say in French or English. It turns out that my 9th Great Grandparents, Jean Emard (Aymart) and Marie Bineau somehow were the carriers of this genetic disease. Jean and Marie were born in France but they came to New France (Quebec) and their daughters were born here.

Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy has many different syptoms. It can weaken the facial muscles and the pharyngeal muscles. This weakening of the throat muscles can cause a diffuculty in swallowing known as dysphagia. Another symptom of this disease is the weakness of the muscles that control the eyelids. Ptosis is the name for droopy eyelids that can cause vision problems by covering your eye. My 2 sisters have this problem and the doctors they saw thought it was just an droopy eyelid like lots of people get. It would be considered cosmetic to have it fixed. However it is not cosmetic when your eyelid blocks your field of vision and any persperation runs directly into your eyes. The doctors can look with a high powered microscope at the muscle tissue from sufferers and see inclusions in the cells along with bubbly structures.

Although not limited to French Canadians, those French people who do have it can trace their families back through time to one of the 3 daughters of Jean Emard and Marie Bineau. These women were Barbe Emard, Anne Emard and Marie Madeleine Emard.
My line is as follows:
  • Barbe Emard married Jacques Cochon in 16611.

  • Genevieve Cochon married Joseph Huot dit Laurent in 17082.
  • Joseph Huot dit Laurent married Marie Louis Cote in 17313
  • Charlotte Huot married Jean Baptiste Marion in 17594
  • Marie Amable Marion married Jean Baptiste Beaugrand dit Champagne in 17865
  • Emmanuel Beaugrand dit Champagne married Madeleine Laderoute unknown
  • David Alexander Beaugrande dit Champagne married Melanie Carriere in 1873
  • Ziphirin Champagne married Marie Octavie Carriere in 1907
Next in line was my mother. I dont' ever recall her having any problems with her eyelids or with swallowing but I must say she had a whole host of other health problems she had to deal with. It leaves me wondering what else may have been passed down from our ancestors.

  1. Quebec Vital Records, Drouin Collection, 1621-1967, online [], accessed, Chateau Richer, 1661-1702, page 248
  2. Quebec Vital Records, Drouin Collection, 1621-1967, online [], accessed, Chateau Richer, 1691-1719, page 73
  3. Quebec Vital Records, Drouin Collection, 1621-1967, online [], accessed, St. Antoine de Tilley, 1727-1732, page 15
  4. Quebec Vital Records, Drouin Collection, 1621-1967, online [], accessed, St. Antoine de Tilly, 1757-1767, page 20
  5. Quebec Vital Records, Drouin Collection, 1621-1967, online [], accessed, Berthierville, 1786, page 31

Thursday, May 28, 2009


This document is an Upper Canada Land Petition, a petition for Crown land. It is in the name of my husband's 3rd Great Grandmother, Catherine Pickle Schriver and is dated April 2, 1793.
Ontario was once part of Quebec and it didn't become a separate province until 1791. There was not much white settlement until the arrival of the Loyalists. It was at that point called Upper Canada. From 1841 until 1867 it was referred to as Canada West then in 1867 at our Confederation it became Ontario.
From this we can learn a few valuable things. Firstly it shows the maiden name of Catherine Schriver (Schryver, Schryber) as Pickle and then it names her father, John Pickle. Thirdly it states clearly that her father John Pickle was a Loyalist.

The term "Loyalist" is a reference to the American colonists who supported and remained loyal to the British Crown. During the American Revolution (1775-1783) many of them served under the British. Upon coming north some of them settled in the provinces which are now Nova Scotia, New Bruswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Ontario. Some of the Loyalists were to receive 200 acres of land upon coming here.

Those who can trace and prove their lineage connecting to a Loyalist may apply for and have the right to use the postnominal letters U.E. after their names signifying their ancestors loyalty.

On March 3, 17891 Catherine Pickle married George Schryver2. They had 14 children that I know of.

To His Excellency John Graves Simcoe, Esq.
Lieut. Governor and Commander in Chief
of the Province of Upper Canada, ______.

The memorial of Katherine
................................ daughter
Pickle alias Schriver ^ to John
Pickle Loyalist

Humbly Showeth
That your Excellency's memo
rialist being entitled to two
hundred acres of land agreeable
to the order of the ninth Nov.
1789~ humbly beg that the
same may be assigned to him
in the Township of Richmond
in the County of Lenox

Adolphustown } and your Excellency's Memo
2d April, 1793...... rialist as in duty bound
................................shall ever pray.
To His Excellency Katherine Pickle
J. G. Simcoe Esq.
Lieut. Governor ____
In Council
  2. Schriber, Schriver etc.

Monday, May 25, 2009

You Never Know What You May Find

Several years ago I was researching my husband's family and found his Father and Grandparents along with some of his father's siblings on the 1910 US Census. They were living in Tonawanda, New York at the time. I thought it would be interesting to search out the area and see what it looked like now. I did an internet search of the address from the census and couldn't believe my eyes when I came across a realtor's ad selling the same house. There wasn't a photo with the ad so I emailed the realtor and explained the situation. He very kindly went and photographed it for me.
When you are doing research you need to try looking in unusual places to find the interesting stuff.


This post for the Carnival of Genealogy Smile For the Camera edition is a wedding photo of my grandparents Ziphirin Champagne and Marie Octavie Carriere. They were married May 21, 1907 in Manitoba. She was 18 at the time and he was 30, almost twice her age.

I was amazed at how many children they had. I know of 12 children that lived but was told by my mother of many more that did not. She stated that her mother was pregnant almost every year of her married fertile life with stillbirths and infant deaths mixed in amongst the living children. I doubt that on this wedding day she expected such a life but maybe I am wrong. Perhaps in those days that was all she expected.
We were at a wedding a couple of weeks ago. The happy couple are now off in Europe on a honeymoon. The differences between then and now are so staggering. 100 years and we can't even wrap our heads around the lives our ancestors led.
There were few honeymoons, no gift registries or openings that lasted half a day, no albums full of pictures of all the family in attendance, no videos.
If you were lucky there was a photo taken and if we are lucky it has survived the years and we have a copy to enjoy. Oh yes, and we have birth control.

CENSUS OF 1666: New France

Jean Talon 1625-1694

Jean Talon was not an ancestor of mine but he would have probably known many of them. Monsieur Talon was in charge of the first census of New France taken in the winter months of 1665-1666.

He was working for the king of France, King Louis XIV and his finance minister Jean Baptiste Colbert. He was to stimulate the economic expansion of New France, increase the colony’s self-sufficiency and bring order to its financial administration.

Talon used the de jure principale – that is, counting people where they normally reside. And he did much of the enumeration himself, going door-to-door. Talon’s census recorded everyone in the colony by name and included age, occupation, marital status, and relationship to the head of the family in which they lived. The census also measured the wealth of industry and agriculture, the value of local lumber and mineral resources, and the number of domestic animals, seigneuries, government buildings, and churches.

The census enumerated 3,215 inhabitants of European descent – 2,034 men and 1,181 women. Among these were 3 notaries, 3 schoolmasters, 3 locksmiths, 4 bailiffs, 5 surgeons, 5 bakers, 8 barrel makers, 9 millers, 18 merchants, 27 joiners, and 36 carpenters. The colony consisted of 3 major settlements, inhabited by 528 families. Quebec had a population of more than 2,100 people, Montreal had 635, and Trois-Rivieres had 455.1

My family was among these people. I have listed some of my ancestors mainly from the area of Trois Rivieres. There were many more in the other towns.

I have noted my direct line in red where the ancestor had been born in time for this census or they had not yet moved away from home.

6th. great grandparents

Jean Lemire, age 40, Me. Charpentier (carpenter)
Louise Marsollet 26, sa femme (wife)
Jeanne Lemire 8, fille (daughter)
Marie Lemire 6, fille
Joseph Lemire 4, fils (son)
Anne Lemire 2, fille

Louis Pinard - 30 habitant
Marie Magdelaine Hertel - 20 sa femme
Françoise Pinard - 2 fille

7th great grandparents

Nicolas Marsollet 65, bourgeois
Marie le Barbier 47, sa femme
Jean Marsollet 14, fils
Marie Marsollet 4, fille

Nicolas Huot 38, huissier (usher)
Marie Fayet 21, sa femme
Marguerrite 2, fille
Marie 2, fille

Jacques Cochon 31, habitant (inhabitant)
Barbe Le Tardif 17, sa femme
Marie Magdeleine Cochon 2, fille
Jacques Cochon 3, fil

Marie Boucher - 36 veufve de feu Estien ne deLafond
Jean de Lafond - 21 fils
Genevieuve de Lafond - 14 fille
Pierre de Lafond - 10 fils
Françoise de Lafond - 9 fille
Jeanne de Lafond - 4 fille
Augustin de Lafond - 2 fils

Jean Cusson - 30 habitant
Marie Foubert - 25 sa femme
Marie Cusson - 7 fille
Jean Cusson - 6 fils
Magdelaine Cusson - 4 fille
Jeanne Cusson - 3 fille
Elisabeth Cusson - 14 mois fille
Marie Riviere - 55 mere de lad. Foubert (mother of M. Foubert)

Michel Lemey - 36 habitant
Marie Dutost - 26 sa femme
Charles Lemey - 6 fils
Joseph Lemey - 5 fils
Marie Lemey - 4 fille
Ignace Lemey - 1 fils
Jacques Dutost - 23 frere de lad. Dutost

Pierre Niquet - 24 habitant
Françoise Lemoyne - 22 sa femme

8th great grandparents

Rene Besnard Bourjoly 38, habitant
Marie Sedilot 39, sa femme ve. de Louis Fafard (widow of)
Anne Besnard 4, fille
Joseph Besnard 2, fils
Marie Besnard 1, fille
Louis Fafard 16, fils

Antoine Desrosiers - 46 habitant
Anne du Herisson - 34 sa femme
Michel Desrosiers - 13 fils
Jean Desrosiers - 8 fils
Anne Desrosiers - 4 fille
Antoine Desrosiers - 2 fils

Urbain Baudry d. lamarche - 47 taillandier habt (maker of cutting tools)
Magdelaine Boucher - 32 sa femme
Marie Baudry - 15 fille
Joseph Baudry - 12 fils
Guillaume Baudry - 9 fils
Jeanne Baudry - 7 fille
Magdelaine Baudry - 4 fille
Marguerite Baudry - 1 fille

Pierre Lepellée ditLahaye - 38 habitant
Catherine Dodier - 28 sa femme Ve. Isabel
Jeanne Isabel - 14 fille
françoise Lepellé - 12 fille
Claude Lepellé - 9 fils
Joseph Lepellé - 7 fils
pierre Lepellé - 5 fils
Marie Lepellé - 15 mois fille
Jean Lepellé - 20 frere

Pierre Guillet dit la Jeunesse - 40 habitant
Jeanne Saint Pere - 37 sa femme
Mathurin Guillet - 16 fils
Jeanne Guillet - 12 fille
Anne Guillet - 11 fille
Catherine Guillet - 10 fille
Louis Guillet - 8 fils
Marie Guillet - 6 fille
Marguerite Guillet - 5 fille
Pierre Guillet - 3 fils
Joseph Guillet - 2 fils
Genevieve Guillet - 3 mois fille

Pierre Artaut sieur de Latour - 36 habitant
Louise sauvagesse - 45 sa femme (aboriginal)
Jean Artaut - 1 fils

Pierre Lefebvre - 50 habitant
Jeanne Aunois - 45 sa femme
Jacques Lefebvre - 19 fils
Michel Lefebvre - 12 fils
Ignace Lefebvre - 10 fils
Ange Lefebvre - 7 fils
Pierre Lefebvre - 5 fils

10th great grandparents

François Fafard - 36 habitant
Marie Richard - 30 sa femme
Jean Fafard - 9 fils
François Fafard - 6 fils
Joseph Fafard - 4 fils
Jeanne Fafard - 16 mois fille

  1. Statistics Canada information is used with the permission of Statistics Canada. Users are forbidden to copy the data and redisseminate them, in an original or modified form, for commercial purposes, without permission from Statistics Canada. Information on the availability of the wide range of data from Statistics Canada can be obtained from Statistics Canada's Regional Offices, its World Wide Web site at, and its toll-free access number 1-800-263-1136.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


ROLLET, MARIE, wife of Louis Hébert, Canada’s first settler; d. 1649 at Quebec. In 1617, with her husband and three children she came from Paris to Quebec, where she found starvation, sickness, and threats of Indian attack. A year after their arrival, says Sagard, the first marriage solemnized in Canada with the rites of the church took place, that of their daughter Anne and Étienne Jonquet. Anne died in childbirth the following year, but there is no record of the child. Marie Rollet aided her husband in caring for the sick and shared his interest in the savages, concerning herself especially with the education of Indian children. In 1627, at the baptism of Chomina’s son, Naneogauchit, which the priests were striving to make an impressive occasion, she feasted a crowd of visiting savages out of her big brewing kettle. Her name appears often as godmother at the baptism of converted savages. Two years after the death of Louis Hébert, on 16 May 1629, she married Guillaume Hubou. After seeking Champlain’s advice, she and her family (i.e., her second husband, her 15-year-old son Guillaume, and her daughter and son-in-law Guillaume Couillard) remained in Quebec during the English occupation and kept alive among the neighbouring savages the memory of French friendship. After the return of the French in 1632, her house became the home of Indian girls given to the Jesuits for training. She died in 1649, leaving her husband, her one surviving child, Guillemette Hébert, and a number of grandchildren. She was buried at Quebec, 27 May 16, 1649

Source: Library and Archives Canada, Dictionary of Canadian BiographyOnline.


The following is from Canadian Biography Online:

HÉBERT, LOUIS was an apothecary, first officer of justice in New France, first Canadian settler to support himself from the soil. He married Marie Rollet.
Incorrectly, according to his descendant, Couillard Després, he was the son of Louis Hébert who was an apothecary at the court of Catherine de Médicis. Documents more recently discovered in Paris indicate that his father was Nicolas Hébert, an apothecary, and that Louis was born in the Mortier d’Or, a house near the Louvre.
The niece of Nicolas Hébert’s wife married Jean de Biencourt de Poutrincourt, in 1590. This relationship would explain Louis Hébert’s interest in the early settlements in Acadia and his presence in Du Gua de Monts’s expedition.
Lescarbot, in Port-Royal (Annapolis Royal, N.S.) in 1606, speaks with respect of his skill in healing and his pleasure in cultivating the soil, and, on his map of that region, indicates an island and a river named for Hébert. In the summer of 1606 Hébert sailed with Champlain and Poutrincourt along the coast to the southwest, seeking other sites suitable for settlement. Poutrincourt and Hébert were so attracted by what is now Gloucester, Mass., that they planted a clearing there to test the soil’s fertility. Both hoped to bring their families to settle in the New World.
The Jonas, arriving from France in June 1607, brought the unwelcome news that, because of the cancellation of de Monts’s concessions, the company must return to France.
In 1610, Hébert was again in Port-Royal, with the group whom Poutrincourt hoped to establish there. As apothecary, he treated both French and Indian patients. Apparently meals as well as medicine received his consideration; he prepared and administered both to chief Membertou in his last illness. He was in charge of the settlement when, in 1613, Réne Le Coq de La Saussaye came with the Marquise de Guercheville’s colonists, withdrew the two Jesuit fathers from Port Royal, and sailed away to start a new settlement elsewhere. The capture of this expedition at ÃŽle des Monts Deserts by the English that same summer was followed by their destruction of Port-Royal (November 1613), and once more Hébert was forced to return to France.

In the winter of 1616–17 he renewed acquaintance with Champlain who was in Paris seeking support for his colony at Quebec. This post, having survived for nine years, probably seemed to Hébert a safe place for settlers, especially as Champlain obtained for him a favourable contract from the fur-trading company in control of the St. Lawrence region. Relying on these promises – 200 crowns a year for his services as apothecary, and food and shelter for his family while getting land cleared – Hébert sold his house and garden in Paris and took his wife Marie Rollet and three children, Anne, Guillemette, and Guillaume, to Honfleur ready to embark. There he discovered that the company had no intention of honouring its agreement. The best he could obtain was a new contract, halving his salary and his land grant and stipulating that his family and his servant should be at the service of the company without pay. Having no alternative, he accepted and sailed with his family 11 March 1617.

In Quebec his apothecary’s skill and his small store of grain were a godsend to the sick and starving winterers. In spite of the company’s demands on his and his servant’s time, he succeeded in clearing and planting some land. Champlain, on his brief visit of 1618, found cultivated land “filled with fine grain” and gardens in which flourished a variety of vegetables,
For many years Hébert was the only man besides Champlain himself who took any interest in cultivating land. The trading company did their utmost to discourage him. Both Champlain and Sagard say that the unlawful restrictions they imposed upon him and upon the disposal of his products prevented him from enjoying the fruits of his labours.

When in 1620 Champlain returned from France with (nominally) full authority over the colony, he gave Hébert responsibility in the administration of justice by appointing him king’s attorney. In this capacity he signed the colony’s petition to the king in 1621. Hébert enjoyed the confidence also of the Indians, whom he, in contrast to many of his contemporaries, considered as intelligent human beings lacking only education. Many instances bear witness to their respect and affection for him. There is some question of trade relations with Guillaume de Caën, but in view of the fact that the surname Hébert is a very common one, this may be a case of mistaken identity.

In 1622 he petitioned the viceroy for a title to his land and on 4 Feb. 1623 received the grant guaranteeing him possession. Known later as the fief Sault-au-Matelot, the land included sites at present occupied by the Basilica, the seminary, and Hébert and Couillard streets. This title was ratified on 28 Feb. 1626 by the succeeding viceroy and some acres along the St. Charles – the fief Saint-Joseph, later known as fief de Lespinay – were added, both holdings to be enjoyed “en fief noble.” Hébert had achieved his cherished ambition: he had brought under his control enough of the wild land of the New World to support himself and his family in independence. The meadows along the St. Charles afforded pasture for cattle; on the higher ground he had grain fields, vegetable gardens, and an orchard planted with apple trees brought from Normandy. All this had been achieved in spite of the company’s opposition. Moreover, it had been accomplished with hand tools only, not even a plough. (It was not until a year after the death of Hébert, that land was worked with plough and Oxen and agriculture on a larger scale could begin.)

The winter of 1626 he had a fall on the ice which proved fatal. He was buried in the Recollet cemetery on 25 Jan. 1627. In 1678 his bones still in their cedar coffin, were transferred to the vault of the newly erected Recollet chapel and with those of Brother Pacifique Duplessis were the first to rest there.
Ethel M. G. Bennett

Hébert is mentioned in the following works of his contemporaries: Champlain, Works (Biggar), passim. JR (Thwaites), passim. Lescarbot, History (Grant), II, 209, 234, 328, 331; III, 246. Sagard, Histoire du Canada (Tross), I, 53, 83, 158–59. Le Clercq, while not strictly a contemporary, is near enough to the period to have gathered first-hand information and to have talked with Hébert’s daughter. He gives information about the family in First establishment of the faith (Shea), I, 164–67, 281. Documents concerning company agreements, land grants, etc., are cited in Biggar, Early trading companies and in Azarie Couillard Després, La première famille française au Canada and Louis Hébert: premier colon canadien et sa famille (Lille, Paris, Bruges, 1913; Montréal, 1918). The two latter works give detailed and imaginative, but as far as possible documented, accounts of the family and its members. Madeleine Jurgens, “Recherches sur Louis Hébert et sa famille,” SGCF Mémoires, VIII (1957), 106–12, 135–45; XI (1960), 24–31. This is the general title of a series of three articles: the second (VIII (1957), 135–45) deals mainly with Nicolas Hébert; the third (XI (1960), 24–31) with Louis.
© 2000 University of Toronto/Université Laval
Source: Library and Archives Canada, Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online.


Edmond Pinard 1857-1933

Edmond Pinard was my Great Grand Uncle. He is from my father's side of the family.
For those of you who have lived in New Hampshire in the US you may have heard about him. Edmond was born February 27, 18571 in the parish of
Sainte Monique, Nicolet, in the province of Quebec. As was the norm for families of that time he came from a family of at least fourteen children. His parents were Louis Theophile Pinard and Agnes Leblanc. His sister, Louise Pinard was my great grandmother.
When I started doing my families history I didn't even know the names of my grandparents on my father's side. After contacting a cousin I had met a few times as a child I was given a notebook of information that led me on the right path. I went through it bit by bit finding documentation for the names I had been given and eventually I found Edmond.
I was directed by an Internet contact I had made to look up the town of Pinardville, New Hampshire. There was Edmond. He had moved to the Manchester, New Hampshire area in 1873 and a few years later opened up a market on Elm Street. The market was open until 1929. Edmond married Henriette
Daigle on November 26, 18832.

Pinardville came to be when Edmond developed the entire area. It is partially located in West Manchester and partially in
Goffstown. He named the streets after family members, Henriette Street after his wife, Theophile and Agnes Streets after his parents and of course Edmond Street and Pinard Street for himself. I have not found any information regarding children he may have had. There are no streets named for them and so I do not think they had any children or if they did perhaps they did not survive.

St. Edmonds School

In June, 1906 Edmond submitted plans for the layout of the streets and his intentions to develop his holdings. He then built a store at the corner of Mast Road and Pinard Street to service the people who had bought his building lots. St. Edmond's church and school were built on 12 lots of land Edmond donated in 1911.

Pinardville Ice House on Mystic Creek

During this time of development and growth I can not find Edmond or his wife on the 1900 census for the area. Perhaps they were back in Canada for a short time. They were in New Hampshire in 1910 and had their niece, Virginia living with them. I also had no luck finding them on the 1920 or 1930 censuses. There may have been a reason they were not on the censuses after 1910. Apparently in 1915 there was another attempt to dis-annex Pinardville from
Goffstown with a bill introduced to the legislature. It had little support and never came to a vote. I think Edmond may have been angry with the powers that be and may have purposely stayed out of the censuses in protest.
Edmond died in Pinardville, New Hampshire December 13, 19332

  1. Quebec Vital Records, Drouin Collection, 1621-1967, online [], accessed, Ste. Monique, Nicolet, 1857, page 7
  2. Go To Pinardville,online[]

Friday, May 22, 2009


When you find a cousin or other relative while working on your family tree that is a great joy and reward for all your work. When you see that they have some of the same photographs that you have seen in your own home growing up you really "get it". You know that there are others out there that share your genetic background and are a product of all that have gone before.
They are family.
My grandmother is the little girl in the front with her hands in her lap.
Marie Octavie Carriere


Louis Hebert was a very important man in the early history of New France (Quebec). He was my 11th. Great Grandfather and here is what I know about him.
Louis was born about 1575 in St. Germain,
d'Auxerre, France apparently living in a house near the Louvre. He was also married in France but came to New France without his family.
Louis Hebert was an apothecary. This would be like a herbalist/pharmacist at the time.
In 1606 Louis Hebert sailed with Samuel Champlain to Port Royal, Annapolis Royal, Nova
Scotia. There is a river and an island named for Hebert. In the summer of that same year they sailed to the southwest looking for suitable sites for settlement. The area they were attracted to is now Gloucester, Massachusetts. Louis was known for cultivating land and they planted a clearing there to test the soil fertility. He planned to bring his family there.
At one point in this expedition Louis, Samuel Champlain and others
leaped from their ship in the middle of the night to aid some of the men from the ship who against orders did not stay on board and were now being attacked by the inhabitants of the area. They returned to France in 1607. I will continue this story with the return of Louis to New France in 1610 in another post.

addendum: this post has been previously published on my other site Family Trees May Contain Nuts