Michel has done a great deal of research that includes one set of my 8th. great grandparents. He was even in France and has photographed the original home of theirs from the 1500's.
His web site is full of interesting genealogy research, photos and facts. I really had little on my relative other then an approximate birth date in France and the names of both his wives and 8 of his children. He generously allowed me to use his photographs in this post.
La Barre home of Julienne Baril and Marin Boucher. Handed down in her family.

After the death of Julienne in 1627 Marin still lived in the house in France that had been handed down through the Baril family. I don't have any records of the other children from his first marriage but Michel states there were 7 in all baptized in St. Langis all said to be from La Barre which is how the family house was referred to noting the great grandfather of Julienne whose surname was Barr.
Being left with young children it was imperative Marin marry again and he chose Perrine Malet. With her he had 7 children one of which became one of my 7th great grandmothers, Madeleine Boucher.
I have had this happen several times in my tree where I am connected not only through a married couple but also through more than one of their children who end up connected to me down the line. Inbreeding at it's best. There is much more I could add but I don't want to simply post a copy of Michel's own research. He has worked very hard on gathering so much personal information. You should have a look at his site, Genealogy of New France in North America. It is bursting with information, maps, passenger lists.
Hi Lori - I, too, am from French ancestry so I find the info interesting and the photos beautiful. My wonderful SIL, Sandy, 521 Lakestreet - is attempting to do my genealogy, but I think she has quite a task in front of her. I'm anxious to see what she comes up with.
Bye for now
This is really wonderful that you have these pictures.
I should hunt up a genealogist in Mayland to get some pictures for me, so many other things get in the way.
Marvelous to know so much about your family tree...keep digging!
This is a great link, Lori. Thanks!
Evelyn in Montreal
A hearty hails to my extended family.
Dennis Boucher,
Wyandotte, MI. U.S.A.
What a treasure the photo of the family home from the 1500's. I've not done much research in France although I done quite a bit in England. England can get mightly funky when you start researching royal lines..no last names is tough. So their first name is "Duke" or "King"..pulease!
Marin Boucher is a part of my lineage too! My mom and I were just talking about him today when I came across this site. Our family tree stems from Pierre Boucher! What a small world after all!
Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos, I am doing a project on my french canadian ancestors and found that I am directly related to Marin Boucher on my grandfather Wilfred Desrosier's side-both matrilineal and patrilineally, which is interesting, as you've pointed out the frequency of intermarriage especially in the first hundred years of the colony of New France.
hi! yes, my French Canadian lines are intensely inbred!!! I am related to Marin Boucher thru 8 different lines that I have found so far... and I have several brick walls, that, when they open up will no doubt go back to the early founding families, and may include more lines to Marin! LOL!
anyway, thanks for the pics. and thanks to Michel Robert (nice French name there!). I've seen pics of the house before but I don't recall seeing pics of the church ;D
hugs from a cuzzin'
Donella S
Donella it would lovely to chat with you about our family. You should email me directly. Maybe I can help you with some of those brick walls.
Hi Lori, Marin Boucher is my 10th g/grandfather. My line continues through his daughter Francoise who married jean plante in 1650. The surnames from Plante are LeFebvre, Marsille, Achin and then my surname De Seve. I have Marin's father as jaques born in 1562 and jaques father as jean born in 1535. Joe DeSeve
Hi Diane. Always good to hear from another cousin. I'll have a look through my info to see the connection.
Hello, beautiful research! Marin Boucher was my 10th great grandfather as well.
It's amazing to see such history still standing. Thank you!
Marin Boucher (1589 - 1671)
is your 10th great grandfather
Francois BOUCHER (1617 - 1672)
son of Marin Boucher
Pierre BOUCHER Dit Des Roches (1648 - 1702)
son of Francois BOUCHER
Francois Boucher Derosiers (1684 - 1760)
son of Pierre BOUCHER Dit Des Roches
Jacque Ignace Derosier (1750 - 1809)
son of Francois Boucher Derosiers
Francois Boucher DeRosier (1778 - 1828)
son of Jacque Ignace Derosier
Marie Helene 'Zeline' DeRosier (1811 - 1866)
daughter of Francois Boucher DeRosier
Eliza Ann Foreman (1834 - 1864)
daughter of Marie Helene 'Zeline' DeRosier
William Derossier Cheney (1858 - 1927)
son of Eliza Ann Foreman
Bascom S Cheney (1908 - 1989)
son of William Derossier
Betty Evelyn Cheney (1936 - 1999)
daughter of Bascom Cheney
I am also related, as the years wen down my great grand father maried a woman called marie-ange Boucher witch they had my grand father, my grand father had my mother and I was there first born son
I am also related, as the years wen down my great grand father maried a woman called marie-ange Boucher witch they had my grand father, my grand father had my mother and I was there first born son
Site is great--pictures especially.
I've traced my ancestry back to Marin Boucher and then to his parents Jacques Jean Boucher and Francoise Madeleine Paigne. Sites pretty consistently list Jean Boucher as Jacques' father and most list Francoise Roussin as his mother. However, I've also found sites that say Jeanne Mercier was his second wife and the mother of Jacques Jean. I've also found so many birth dates for Jacques Jean that I wonder if there were two sons with the same name but different mothers. Any definitive information?
Disregard my first comment. I was looking at the wrong information
Hello to Retired in Texas.
I have found many times that when a child dies they give the same name to the next one. No wonder we get so confused.
well hello Lori!
I too am related, ! believe I am an 8th great grand child to Marin as well.
Marin, Francois (YOB 1617), Pierre 1648, Pierre 1688, Honore 1716, Paul 1760, Paul Boucher dit Villard 1790, Henry 1817, and John Frances Villard 1862, other names used for the baptisms Bushey, Boucher, Bushee, Bushy. My Grandmother daughter of John Frances was the first generation female in my fathers line. I have had such a difficult time finding this line due to them taking on the Villard name. However each Baptism their record was listed as some form of Boucher listed above. With some others who have dome the family research and my great grandfather's sibling downline who kept the Bushey name I was able to trace back. An interesting history for the Boucher family. The family I am downline of settled in Prince Edward Island late 1700 - early 1800, in the area of the current town of Souris.
Hi Marie,
It is always great to "meet" another member of the family line. My line from Francois is through his son, Denys who married Jeanne Miville.
It's great to see these photos! I'm also a great, great, great...-grandaughter of Marin Boucher. Hi, cousin! :-)
My mother's cousin (Ruth Taylor) had done research in the 1990's back to 1510/1529 to Marin's grandfather and included great family stories and historical notes along with the lineage (available online). I've been hunting down photos to complement her wonderful research to share with my own children.
I had dug up our family tree again several years back when my daughter took a trip with her French class over Winter Break to Quebec. I knew my own grandmother had been born in Three Rivers and that we had old connections to Quebec, but when I discovered there was a plaque in the city with Marin & his wife's name, honoring the early pioneers - my daughter was excited to tell her teacher. They endeavored to find it and take a photo - but I don't think that happened due to their schedule.
Thanks again - I'll have to check out Michel Robert's site, as well!
- T. H. (Philadelphia, PA USA)
Hello cousins!!! Marin is also my 8th great grandfather. I love geneology research. That being said I just read that there are a bunch of us connected to him. I would love to plan a trip soon to Boucherville. My maiden name is Dion and yes,they are related to the Boucher family!!! Sir names are Chiasson...Dion....Boucher.
Hi to all my cousins
I was in Mortagne Au Perche in May of 2018. I wanted to visit where my 10th gr. grandfather Marin Boucher had come from. We visited the church in St. Langis and they have a plaque on the wall with Marin Boucher’s name on it and the date he left for Nouveau France, 1634. There was also the family crest on the plaque. It was really awesome to experience that. My maiden name is Boucher, but I married a Dutchman. Someone mentioned in one of the comments that they knew the name of Marin’s father and grandfather. I inquired at the tourist information in the village that Marin lived, whether they knew who his parents were. I was told that the records are lost and no one knows of his forefathers. They also have a museum approx 15km from St. Langis, that lists all the names of the French families who left France for the Nouveau France. They also have a short video presentation of each family that one can listen to. If you are ever in France, you must check out where our ancestors came from, as it felt like home for me. Gabrielle Boucher Vandermeer
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for sharing that information.
Hi Lori Thanks for this very helpful info as I begin to engage on this journey of documenting everything from our family. My dad who passed in 1988 left us an 8 page french version going back to Marin Boucher that includes Gaspard etc. Genealogie de la famille Boucher. I also found this,
It is about Guillaume Boucher who was a french artist sent to Mongolia and commissioned in the Khan Dynasty to record through his artistic talent the architectural structures that existed during the 1200s
Hello Dave Boucher,
Thanks for the link. I will take a look. Wow.
You can always email me directly from this blog by clicking on the button at the top left.
Both buried in Château Richer just east of Quebec city. The original farm is now a cemetary
What a treat. My family line comes thru Jacques. What a gift to open pinterest and find links to add to my program.
Thank you for this info! Marin Boucher is my 11th generation grandfather.
Marin's relation to you: Direct ancestor (11 generations)
Cindy Ringer Ward(myself)
Harold Lawrence Ringer
your father
Arthur David Ringer
his father
Zoe Guilbreault (Guilbeault)
his mother
Zoe Dagenais
her mother
Marie Louise Monet
her mother
Francois Monet
her father
Marie-Anne Chaudillon
his mother
Pierre Louis Chaudillon
her father
Marie Boucher
his mother
François Boucher
her father
Marin Boucher
his father
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